Sunday, 9 May 2010

Brigading It Loner Style

Meeting 12 - Brigading It Loner Style

Date: 7th May 2010

Place: Cake Brigade Member Bradley's Unit Base

Members: Bradley. (Yes, on her own. Yes, like a right loser)

Sometimes, a girl comes to a point in her life when she just needs cake. And not just any cake, she needs chocolate cake.

People with high levels of will power can control these urges.

I cannot.

So I made a chocolate cake! Simple sponge mix, but I didn't measure out the cocoa, so it was quite cocoa-y, which wasn't a bad thing! I sandwiched it with a generous layer of chocolate butter cream and apricot jam, which was quite frankly, amazing, and then topped the whole thing off with chocolate icing.

It didn't last 24 hours. Hell, I don't think it lasted 12.

It was epic.

I had to share my masterpiece.

Diet re-starts tomorrow.

<3 x