Friday, 1 October 2010

Vintage Tea Party

Meeting 14 - Vintage Tea Party

Date: 12th September 2010
Place: Cake Brigade Member Faulkner's Unit Base
Members: Bradley, Polson, Faulkner, Edkins and Mander

So, its uh, been a while. Umm, so how are you? Kids doing well? Uh ... yeah.

Just because the blog went AWOL for a few months, doesn't mean that we didn't bake, oh no! September is a busy month for us of the Cake Brigade, with three of the 'Zante Six' having birthdays within two weeks of each other. Inspired by a walk in the woods during near torrential rain, we decided to make SURPRISE the theme of the birthdays this year.
The first of these birthdays was Cunnane-Neilan's, and being the first, she got the majority of the crazy ideas, namely kidnapping. Yes, we kidnapped her. bundled her into a car filled with sunglassed suits and blindfolded her before taking her to an undisclosed location, where there was a vintage style tea party waiting for her. It was lovely.
But first, we had to make the cakes! We decided that rather than one large cake, we would make her lots of cupcakes. Lots of cupcakes. So, to do this, we headed to Faulkner's, all Cake Brigaders minus Neilan in tow, and set about making probably close to 100 cakes, both plain and chocolate. We topped them with pink or blue coloured buttericing for the ones going on the cake stand, and cut out letters in royal icing spelling 'Happy 23rd Birthday Elle' or words to that effect for the birthday cakes.

You could tell who had iced which cakes by the amount of icing on them, as Edkins seemed to think that each cake had to be as high as Mount Everest to be acceptable. The rest of us were far more stingy.

Now, I am an idiot and neglected to take any photos of our creations, so unless someone wants to send some to me (hint hint), you'll have to cope with this one solitary photo that I have managed to steal off Twitter.
Edit: Faulkner, you are awesome personified.

<3 x

Had to stop myself from adding my footnotes then ...

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