DATE: 10th February 2011 (I think?)
PLACE: Faulkner's
MEMBERS: Faulkner, Bradley
Once again, this Brigade meeting was a fair amount of time ago, so I can't recall the details precisely. However, I do recall finding heart shaped cake cases in Sainsburies. Whether or not this was the inspiration behind this meeting, or whether we were going to make cupcakes anyway, I don't remember.
Using a basic sponge recipe, we intended to make one batch of plain cakes, and one of chocolate. As such, we halved the mixture for the plain cakes before adding coco-ah to the remainder to make the chocolate ones. I think, however, we used too much coco-ah, or something went wrong that ended up with us hurriedly adding more butter and eggs and flour to even up the mix. As such, we ended up with a hell of a lot more chocolate cakes than we had originally intended.
I'm sure we put iced them some way or another, but I neither have the photos nor the memory.
As far as I can remember, they tasted good. But as you may have guessed, I don't remember much about them at all.
<# x