DATE: 3rd February 2011
PLACE: Faulkner's
MEMBERS: Faulkner, Bradley, Polson
The purpose of this meeting was to make a 'thank you' cake for a certain now-revealed-to-be-a-douche male friend of the Faulkner clan, and as such, a Coffee Walnut Cake was decided upon due to said douche's preference. However, none of the brigade members like coffee, or walnut for that matter, so we followed a recipe down to the finest detail, although whether this was a good thing or not has yet to be determined.
I have a feeling that we also made flapjack, I may be wrong though. It was a long time ago.
To make this cake, we followed the recipe from a bakery book donated to the Cake Brigade by Bradley Senior. Now, as I have explained previously, none of us like coffee. None of us drink coffee. So when the recipe said to add 4 teaspoons of instant coffee, we added 4 teaspoons of instant coffee. NOWHERE DID IT SAY TO MAKE IT INTO LIQUID FIRST. We only realised our mistake after the coffee grains didn't dissolve in the cake mix. None the less, we carried on anyway, and I have to admit, it at least looks pretty good. It matches the photo in the book almost perfectly.
We don't know how it tasted, having not tried it, but I believe it all got eaten so it cant have been that bad, surely. Maybe a bit strong, or grainy, but edible all the same.
An average score purely for the presentation. Next time, make the coffee into liquid before adding it to the mixture, obviously. I doubt we will make it again.
<# x
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