Thursday, 15 April 2010

Chocolate Butter Cream Will Take Over The World

Meeting Eleven - Chocolate Butter Cream Will Take Over The World

Date: 9th April 2010

Place: Cake Brigade Member Polson's Unit Base

Members: Polson, Faulkner, Bradley, Cunnane-Neilan, Edkins. FULL HOUSE!

At the moment, we committed Cake Brigade Members are trying our darnedest to meet more often to make more exciting things.
Well, 'trying' may be an overstatement, I think we all agreed on it once in passing. But still, the sentiment was there. Thus, all members of the Cake Brigade met to make a whole host of tasty treats. After waiting for Cunnane-Neilan to finish work. And a slushie. And threat of a parking ticket. And a meal. We didn't have dessert though. Hence the baking. Stop typing, Heather.

Now, what Cake Brigade Meeting would be a Cake Brigade Meeting without a cake? This time, inspired by the multicoloured cake from last time, we made a traffic light cake, because we are three-year-old children. Zoe was in charge of this one, and it consisted of three simple sponge layers sandwiched together with chocolate butter cream.
Yes, another none chocolate item 'chocolified' with chocolate butter cream!
And yes, we realise it is the wrong way around, but the red one broke a bit. So you can just look at it upside down.

After the success of the brownie from last meeting, we decided to make it again, but left it in the oven for a teensy bit longer. Elle and Linzi took control of this. I do believe that this is the recipe they used.

I have always wanted to make fudge, because I do love it so. Therefore, Rach and I tried our hands at this chocolate and ginger fudge recipe, minus the ginger. It turned out quite well, as it was easy enough to make that me and Rach started doing this * because we had so much free time, and it didn't taste bad either.

Something we had made before, but failed to document despite how well they turned out, was Malteaser Muffins. Therefore, Elle and I teamed up to make them this time, or rather I made them and Elle told me what to do. I have to admit, the mix of this was vile smelling due to the buttermilk, and it didn't look much better, but they turned out pretty well despite Elle forgetting to add the honey. We even added smarties to them, which Elle decided to announce looked like old ladies fingernails, which was just lovely.

The final thing to be made this meeting was some good old fashioned Cake Brigade Cookies, courtesy of Linzi. This time, we shook up the recipe by making three sorts, one sort with chocolate chips, one with smarties, and the final batch with chocolate orange. I thought the chocolate orange ones were pretty darn epic, but that may just be due to the chocolate orangeness of them. I love chocolate orange.

It still blows me away when it comes to sharing out the goodies and the bill that we can make this amount of stuff for a hell of a lot less than one cake would cost you in the shops. I think home baking is the way forward.

<3 x

* I'm the one on the left. Rach is on the right, because when you have been with someone long enough, they say you start to look alike.

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