Thursday, 1 April 2010

The Birth of The Cake Brigade

Meeting One - The Birth of The Cake Brigade

Date: 27th August 2009

Place: Cake Brigade Member Polson's Unit Base

Members: Polson, Faulkner, Bradley

The Cake Brigade started when Zoe, Linzi and myself decided one night to make a cake rather than doing the normal things people in their early twenties do. When one friend asked what we were up to via text message, we told her we were baking. She told us to save her some, to which we replied, 'No, its only for members of the Cake Brigade'. And thus, the Cake Brigade was born.

This meeting, we made a simple chocolate cake, filled and topped with chocolate butter cream and decorated with marshmallows spelling out '<3' style="text-align: left;">
We then topped it with melted chocolate, as we had some left over from the rest of the baking.

We also made some Rocky Road, using Rice Krispies, marshmallows and chocolate. There may have also been some cherry in there too. I cant remember.

The final thing we made was a Fridge Cake, which was done from memory and kind of made up. As we had forgotten to buy any digestive biscuits, we made our own, in a sort of Viennese all butter biscuit style. Added to that biscuit base was caramel shortbread, cherries, marshmallow, cocoa, and liberal amounts of golden syrup. It was topped with one layer of chocolate icing, and another layer of melted chocolate.

Along with a 'lessthanthree', pictured is the Fridge Cake and its ultimate destination, our tummies.

<3 x

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